Function resolveSeiaConfig

  • Resolve the given SeiaConfig to a fully resolved ResolvedSeiaConfig.

    This function will fill in the default values for unspecified fields.

    Additionally, this function will perform validation on the given config object.

    In addition to the SeiaConfig fields, the resolved config will also contain additional fields such as root and mode.


    • config: {
          paths?: {
              anchor?: string;
              dist?: string;
              entry?: string;
              rsc?: string;
              src?: string;
              ssr?: string;
          serve?: {
              port?: number;
      • Optional paths?: {
            anchor?: string;
            dist?: string;
            entry?: string;
            rsc?: string;
            src?: string;
            ssr?: string;
        • Optional anchor?: string
        • Optional dist?: string
        • Optional entry?: string
        • Optional rsc?: string
        • Optional src?: string
        • Optional ssr?: string
      • Optional serve?: {
            port?: number;
        • Optional port?: number

    Returns {
        mode: "development" | "production";
        paths: {
            anchor: string;
            dist: string;
            entry: string;
            rsc: string;
            src: string;
            ssr: string;
        root: string;
        serve: {
            port: number;

    • mode: "development" | "production"
    • paths: {
          anchor: string;
          dist: string;
          entry: string;
          rsc: string;
          src: string;
          ssr: string;
      • anchor: string
      • dist: string
      • entry: string
      • rsc: string
      • src: string
      • ssr: string
    • root: string
    • serve: {
          port: number;
      • port: number