Function extendResolvedSeiaConfig

  • Extend the already resolved ResolvedSeiaConfig with additional fields.

    This function will merge two configs recursively, resulting in a fully resolved config.

    This function is useful when you want to change only a few fields from the resolved config.

    The result will be a new object, and the original objects will not be mutated.


    • defaults: {
          mode: "development" | "production";
          paths: {
              anchor: string;
              dist: string;
              entry: string;
              rsc: string;
              src: string;
              ssr: string;
          root: string;
          serve: {
              port: number;
      • mode: "development" | "production"
      • paths: {
            anchor: string;
            dist: string;
            entry: string;
            rsc: string;
            src: string;
            ssr: string;
        • anchor: string
        • dist: string
        • entry: string
        • rsc: string
        • src: string
        • ssr: string
      • root: string
      • serve: {
            port: number;
        • port: number
    • overrides: {
          paths?: {
              anchor?: string;
              dist?: string;
              entry?: string;
              rsc?: string;
              src?: string;
              ssr?: string;
          serve?: {
              port?: number;
      • Optional paths?: {
            anchor?: string;
            dist?: string;
            entry?: string;
            rsc?: string;
            src?: string;
            ssr?: string;
        • Optional anchor?: string
        • Optional dist?: string
        • Optional entry?: string
        • Optional rsc?: string
        • Optional src?: string
        • Optional ssr?: string
      • Optional serve?: {
            port?: number;
        • Optional port?: number

    Returns {
        mode: "development" | "production";
        paths: {
            anchor: string;
            dist: string;
            entry: string;
            rsc: string;
            src: string;
            ssr: string;
        root: string;
        serve: {
            port: number;

    The merged config object.

    • mode: "development" | "production"
    • paths: {
          anchor: string;
          dist: string;
          entry: string;
          rsc: string;
          src: string;
          ssr: string;
      • anchor: string
      • dist: string
      • entry: string
      • rsc: string
      • src: string
      • ssr: string
    • root: string
    • serve: {
          port: number;
      • port: number